Privacy Policy

In order to complete our services, PeopleCheck gathers personal information about individuals from those individuals themselves or from our clients. PeopleCheck is committed to excellence in protecting the privacy of personal information that has been provided to us. We continually review and update our procedures to protect the privacy of individuals.

1. Accountability

PeopleCheck is responsible for ensuring the protection of the information you have provided to us.

2. Identifying Purposes

PeopleCheck gathers personal information from individuals and its clients to facilitate PeopleCheck’s work in conducting background checks and providing information to clients and to employers. PeopleCheck does not use personal information for any other purposes than those that are disclosed to clients for the services being provided. If PeopleCheck wishes to use personal information in its possession for any new purpose, the consent of clients is obtained prior to use.

3. Consent

PeopleCheck requires the express, informed consent of individuals from whom the collection, use or disclosure of personal information are being sought. PeopleCheck does not collect any personal information or provide services without the unequivocal, informed consent of the individuals seeking PeopleCheck’s services.

4. Limiting Collection

PeopleCheck limits the collection of personal information to that which is necessary for the purposes identified for the services being provided. PeopleCheck collects information by fair and lawful means. PeopleCheck continually reviews the amount and type of information being gathered from clients to ensure that no more information is gathered than is necessary to complete PeopleCheck’s work.

5. Limiting Use, Disclosure & Retention

PeopleCheck will use the information you provide only for the purposes identified in this policy. We will not use this information for any other purpose unless we have obtained your consent.

PeopleCheck will only disclose information about you to its affiliated companies, distributors, and to authorized agents that assist us in performing our functions for the limited purposes listed above. Our agents may include companies and individuals that deliver packages, provide marketing assistance and process credit card transactions.

We will not sell or otherwise disclose the information collected from you to other third parties, except in those limited cases where we are legally required to do so (such as in response to a court order, or disclosure to a public body to assist in an investigation).

We will retain the information that we have collected from you only so long as it is necessary to achieve our stated purposes or if it is legally required that we retain such information.

6. Accuracy

PeopleCheck will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the information we collect from you is accurate and complete. If you notice any errors in the information that we have collected from you or wish to update your information, please notify us by emailing You can advise us as to where you saw the incorrect information so that we can then correct or update such information.

7. Safeguards

PeopleCheck will protect personal information with security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. PeopleCheck regularly updates its protocols to avoid new threats to the safety of information in its possession.

8. Individual Access

If you require access to your own information, please write to us by email with your request at We will respond to you within thirty (30) days of receiving your request.